I have now been almost 5 weeks of walking without the boot. It seems like a long time. I still have pain when I walk long distances and standing really gets uncomfortable but I also have a lot of improvement. Sometimes it is difficult to even tell that I have a limp when I walk. My biggest discomfort is in the very back of my heel (where one of the screw scars is). I hope it isn't a screw problem.
I changed rehab regimens. I was going to a physio therapist who iced my foot, did TENS and therapeutic ultrasound. I posted details earlier (in January). The physio didn't change since then and when I asked about my tight calf muscles I was told they didn't matter. I was told the low pain near my screw scar is achilles tendonitis. The therapy didn't feel right (just moving my foot in different directions) so I went for a second opinion.
I now see a chiropractor who is treating the whole bio-mechanics in my post-surgery self. It makes sense that I walk differently, I have muscle-wastage that needs working on in my calf and thigh. My chiropractor does ART (Active Release Therapy), acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, and is treating my calf muscles and even my tight hip flexors. I also do stretching, work with a theraband, do lunges on a half-ball and the floor, and balance on a half-ball.
I feel this new regimen is really making a difference. I think it's critical to treat my whole body now that my foot is physically different.