Tuesday, March 8, 2011

12 Weeks -- 84 Days

Hard to believe it is 12 weeks, 84 days since my surgery. Today I had my first standing shower since December 13. Well, that's not 100% true ... I had a quick post swim standing rinse shower with a cane after swimming on Saturday, March 5, but it wasn't a "real" shower. Today, I didn't even use the old-lady bench I've been using since December to help me get in to the tub. Progress!

I found my right Birkenstock (it was right there in the closet in plain view, Donny) so I've been wearing my Birks today. My physio therapist told me I should be trying to walk barefoot and without running shoes. It will help with the numbness on my heel.

That's it for now ... just a quick post to celebrate the 12 week mark.

1 comment:

  1. Foot Doctor Northwest Indiana
    suggests that you use foot file or a pumice stone for that purpose. Be gentle while removing the skin. Don’t be too rough or too hard otherwise the skin will grow harder.
