Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 5

I'm getting through Day 5 just fine. I know I'm better except that I tried not to take the Percocet today and took tylenol instead. This has made for a higher level of constant pain which has been quite distracting. As much as I dislike having a fuzzy brain from the drugs, I really dislike feeling so sore. I am due for a Percocet at 3:15pm so I've been counting the slowing passing minutes.

Thank goodness CBC has curling on ... I'm really enjoying it.

I had more visitors yesterday: Pearl, Susan, Katie, Martina, and Jennifer! It was great to have people coming and going! Hazel and her friends did my hair with hot rollers and it was ... well, let's just say interesting. No visitors yet today ... hint, hint ... but Janet and Chris brought me a bell to ring for service. How fun is that!!?? (for me)

I slept great! Fell asleep at ~10pm and Donny and Andrew got home from their respective events at 11:30. I woke up then, took a pill, and went to the bathroom. Back to sleep until 6:30am. Another pill at 7am. I had a shower today finally (don't be too grossed out, I've been basin bathing! and washing my hair in the sink!). The sitting shower was uncomfortable but worked with a garbage bag taped to my leg and then a towel on top of that. I have to twist quite a bit to keep my right leg outside of the shower and up on a chair.

The trick so far has been to keep from getting too bored, too sore, and too demanding of my helpers. They have been very patient with me. Guess I should use the bell sparingly!

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