Wednesday, December 22, 2010

One Week

Today, I played "One week ago right now ..." off and on all day! It's hard to believe it's been one whole week already.

I slept well last night and got up at 8am, did my whole morning routine by myself!! Jenny and Jessica came over in the morning for our annual foodbank Christmas donation. We normally all walk over and help out for a bit but this year, I didn't get to go and Milan and the two older girls were up north so Donny, Hazel, Andrew, Jenny and Jessica went. I walked them to the door to see them on their way and sat up to have a visit with them for quite a while.

Today I had delicious soup from Sue for lunch. The previous two days, I enjoyed Martina's chili. It's great to have healthy food delivered!

I feel better today. There is still pain but I feel like I can handle it better. Maybe the pain is getting less, maybe I'm getting used to it. I'm moving around more often but still need my leg up most of the time. When I move around, my toes turn quite red!

I've been moving around more. I even go into the kitchen now and then to look at when my mom is doing and check on things! "We" decided to do Jamie Oliver's "get-ahead gravy" for Christmas dinner this year (I'm addicted to the Food Network!!) I sat in the living room shouting out the ingredients and instructions and my mom did the work! It is delicious! I can't wait to try it with the turkey juices.

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