Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I got home today at 1:30 and it feels good to be home. I do miss my morphine button :-) They got me up and moving around on crutches today and the physio therapist (Ryan) was great helping me with stairs and giving me tips. Donny has been awesome too helping me move around and bringing me things.

This morning I had a slight fever so they were threatening that I would have to stay another night in the hospital. They gave me a tube-like device that I had to breathe in 10x per hour (of course I did it 10x every 5 min!!). It was supposed to help and I'm guessing it did because my fever went down and they let me come home!

So I'm home but I feel very sore right now. I can't take pain medication again until 5:30. This is the worst it's felt since the surgery but I'm guessing that's because (until recently) I had a nerve block and a morphine button. This is probably the baseline for me for future pain. The doctor and physio therapist said I should be getting up and moving frequently. I don't feel like it right now but did crutch around a bit at 3:45. Maybe after the next pill kicks in, I'll feel like moving around more.


  1. Are you still around?
    I'm getting the same surgery in May. I am super nervous and scared. I wish I could swim like you.
    When did you start walking and on a scale from 1 to 5 what was the pain like 2 weeks after surgery?

  2. Thank you for your blog. It's really encouraging and gives me some strength
